• Isabelle’s gazete

    Pending news holding on a thread in summer – july 2018

    Dear friends of the world !!

    Sincerly, i am not forgetting you and feel even eager of the day when i can send you the final good news of all the things that are pending here.
    Yet, yes, they are pending, all in stand by, just like clothes hanging on the thread, waiting to dry under the light breeze…

    Of course the main topic is my departure from Turkey…

    -- The sale of the Sun garden looks auspicious, yet nothing finalised.. let’s wait a bit more…

    -- The conflict between the lawyer and me about the Moon garden is also taking another shape… lets wait a bit more … probably a long time to be sure of something …

    -- The cat’s trip has been a bit disturbed, Lolita has been quite seriously sick, fortunately she recovers now quickly. However, for some astonishing mistake i did, as if a blank had been put into my mind, the date of our departure (initially 24 sept) might be delayed… Putting thus a big mess into this peculiar organisation, travelling from Antalya to Lyon with 4 cats ! However i am confident and still hoping for a miracle to take place… Let’s wait a bit more…

    A part from that, summer is hot, watering minimum, trees are now big and almost autonomous. All of them give fruits : pomegranates, olives for automn and winter, and figs very soon ! A young wallnut tree even shows two big wallnuts !!!! Auspicious for the coming years !

    Completely aware that everything will fall into place in the Perfect way, i dont have much to do apart from huging my dear cats and ajusting my steps to the Univers’s dance.


              News pending on a thread in summer - july 2018 News pending on a thread in summer - july 2018 News pending on a thread in summer - july 2018


    About Dance, this year eventually, i could join the Soufi gathering taking place in the North of Turkey near Yalova where the group (Tümata) organised once more a 3 day and 3 night non stop sema. A sema is the specific dance of the Whirling Dervishes. And here, in this sacred place for the souls, the Sema is open to ALL. The dancers are not dervishes, they are you, and me, and all who want to join this fantastic gathering where each and every one receives also food and drink.

    Although they were expecting around 100 people, over 400 came and invaded the whole space !!! Camping areas were over crowded !! And one had to be very accepting regarding the very basic comfort and total lack of privacy !

    But it is precisely The point of this gathering : in such a context, we can easily feel Oneness and during the Dance, this idea becomes Experience…

    Tolerance, Openness, Exchange, Sharing, Care and Compassion … all these qualities are potent here, they are definitely the basis of the gathering where all religions, races, ethnic groups, tendances, ideas are melting into a complete acceptation of the other as he is, a brother or sister with differences and similarities.

    And This is the very message of Mevlana Rumi, the  founder of the Whirling Dervishes movement. According to whom this sema is organised every year for different durations. Last year it lasted the astonishing duration of 99 days and 99 nights ! Non stop dancing and music playing !!!!!!

    This year shortest one of 3 days and 3 nights, yet very intense.

    Spinning on the spot  with the feet pulsating with the divine music, transforming the body into a spinning top connected both to Earth and Heaven can be absolutely sublime…

    And eventhough the beginnings might be a bit disturbing, for it takes some time to find the appropriate technique and keep one’s balance, after some time… yes… it is just sublime… cant’s find another word !  Or… ecstatic !

    So eventhough I will be soon outside of Turkey, I keep this possibility of coming again for the sema in the next coming years !

    Actually for me this year has been like completing the circle : my last participation to the sema took place in august 2012. One month later the farm burned, and since then, although i eagerly wanted to participate again, it had not been possible… until now !

    This year, as the farm has been rebuilt at the same level it had before the fire, as i am about to transmit it to new gardians,  I could go there again and unite with the Friend in the sacred dance of Sema.

    The circle is complete. The book of Turkey  and the Yunus Emre farm slowly slowly comes to an end, a few more pages to come, and soon another book will start. Blank pages which will be written slowly, in the seeds of the Present Moment.


    News pending on a thread in summer - july 2018

    Mevlana Celalledin Rumi - Founder of the Whirling Dervishes - Sufi Master and Poet -

    Here are fantastic and inspiring poems of Rumi...


    Happy Summer ! Talk soon !

    Isabelle alias Mirabelle !

  • Egazete New Moon News in Real Time 14 march 2018


    Where shall I start ? Things are moving so fast !

    -- Instant news about the ENORMOUS change that comes …

    -- Then ? What’s next ?

    -- Short summary about the egazetes & letters




    I just share with you the news I know, which are very incomplete for I just do not know much ! However everything happens in real time.

    Departure from Turkey is confirmed and along with the departure of course the Yunus Emre farm will stop… I can reasonnably cannot carry the farm in my luggages !

    Let me reassure you though and give a few details about the reasons of this decision:

    The lawyer is NOT responsible for my decision, nor is the last discussion I had with him last february (if you missed this tremendous event, please read here !! not too late to be informed !!)

    The political situation of Turkey is not either the reason of my departure.

    If we have to find a reason… lets say that my “time” in Turkey has simply come to an end. I did here what I had to do. And I probably have nothing more to do !... Except let myself be held in the arms of whom is turning this page of my life to carry me towards a new shore…

    The Yunus Emre farm has been a wonderful venture during 4 years with welcoming, sharing, learning, teaching , volunteering, karma yogiing … Then the fire changed the whole thing… Then 5 years passed where I did my best to rebuild what I could … with YOUR help… However I understood that offering what I love is not  enough to earn a living … It also has to meet the demand  or needs of a like minded audience … And in Turkey such an audience is almost inexistant … Yet in France like minded people (yoga, shared governance, spirituality, doing together etc) are many ! Thus I will be definitely able both to do what I love, teaching yoga, writing books, giving seminars & lectures AND earn a living from it… And remember I also learn how to manage money ! Which is also important !! And gardening and animals will of course not be forgotten !!

    So this last step with the lawyer is just putting everything clear so that I start to pack my luggages!

    And it is not a metaphor !

    I am thinking of leaving in autumn, but it might be before.

    Actually I dont know. There are many factors and concretly speaking a LOT to solve.

    Friends just came to visit me today and found out that a very good friend of them, lawyer and trustable lady, could maybe help me to gain something from the Moon garden ?... So we shall know more in the next weeks … And you will be informed of course !

    From now on a lovely place is awaiting us : Mavi the dog will probably be adopted by the shaman family living in the moutains; as for me and the four cats, Marie Pierre (the friend with whom we organize the Yoga & Trek program) is willing to accomodate us !!!! So i am very grateful and happy ! It is in the "Haut Beaujolais" little village 1 hour north of Lyon; to start to settle in our new life ! ...

    By the way there are stil a few spaces left for this Last program in the farm Yoga & Trek ! Info here !

    Thank you also to the other friends who offered accomodation ! :)

    So what’s next ? …. Life will tell… I am totally confident and also very very curious to discover the next pages being slowly written … Of course yoga will be always here ! ….

    I will be able to soon write the end of the second book “the Yunus Emre farm, a land of sharing and loving” … :)



    To finish, I will send another mail in the next days to make sure you receive the egazete/ letter you have choosen and wish to receive.
    You may notice that nothing is automatical, I dont like the automatic mailing lists and news letters much and I hope to be able to continue to do things manually so that I feel I am writting personaly to all of you  :)  I hope you feel it .

    So, all for now, with some nostalgia which also came recently and will help to go back to my country after 30 years outside !...

    Isabelle Esméralda , Iris, Tigrou, Lolita…!!!


    Nouvelle lune Nouvelles en temps réel, 14 mars 2018Nouvelle lune Nouvelles en temps réel, 14 mars 2018Nouvelle lune Nouvelles en temps réel, 14 mars 2018Nouvelle lune Nouvelles en temps réel, 14 mars 2018




  • Full Moon Egazete   2 march 2018

    Awareness of Abundance or Fear of lacking ?


    Do you feel rather serene, peaceful, feeling abundance all around you, as if only by extanding your arms you could receive it ?

     Or do you feel fear of tomorrow, fear of not having enough, do you always need to accumulate things, do you panic when your bank account drops a bit too much ?  

    It the first case you are Aware of Abundance; in the second case you are in the Fear of Lacking ; 

    Awareness of Abundance or Fear of Lacking



    Let’s have a look at two approaches which lead to the same result : Abundance Is Everywhere.


    Permaculture vision of Abundance :

    In permaculture just like in any spirituality, it is said that Abundance is here around us, everywhere; and that we only have to open the arms, the hands, the heart and our baskets, to harvest the benefits !

    Can this vision be real ? Specially in our modern world where people crave everywhere for basic needs ?

    Yes, it is real because Abundance IS NATURE.

    However in our modern world, because we have cut the link to Nature, we also cut the link to Abundance. We have become slaves of our egos…

    Yet things are changing, the world evolves fast, consciousnesses open, and permaculture is one of the big movement which shows practical tools & teachings to reconnect ourselves to Nature. Simply by creating a design of a place which is copying Nature, we can recreate Abundance… 


    Yogic vision of Abundance :

    Do you remember “Santosh” one of the niyama of yoga, kind of guideline for our life which encourages us to live in “Contentment” :  Santosh is, the art of being satisfied of any situation that arise, be it difficult or easy, painful or pleasant… and for sure it is much more difficult to apply Santosh in difficult than easy times --

    When we cultivate Santosh in our lives, we become aware that “All events that happen in our lives are meant for our spiritual growth”

    And that is the big tool, the big understanding which gives our life another dimension. That of Abundance !

    Because by keeping this Contentment inside us, we rapidly move to the certainty that « everything is perfect ».

    Everything is perfect, simply because it IS.

    It means that we Accept the situation – whatever it is – for what it IS. And that’s it. No question, no judgement, no worry. Everything is Just Perfect.

    Being in that feeling, in that energy, Opens our consciousness to the Awareness of Abundance.

    It is not magical, it is exactly the same as when we connect with Nature to get inspiration for the design of a place. We are connected to the Source, to the Universe, to the Higher Consciousness, in which Abundance resides.

    So similarly being “content” connects us to the inner Source, which is connected to the Higher Source… All Same…


    Awareness of Abundance or Fear of Lacking


    Yet there is an obstacle to this Awareness of Consciousness : guess what ? Ego of course… Ego and the Fear of Lacking which resides deep inside our sub/ unconscious minds. Old prehistoric, genetic memories, the pattern of fear is deeply rooted and at the slightest scare of life – bank account dropping down, nothing to eat in the fridge, being fired suddenly – FEAR comes out sometimes very strongly.

    In reaction to that, we tend to accumulate, keep, grasp whatever we think will create our security.

    But, and that is the paradox : this seemingly security is a big trap !

    For indeed, accumulating more and more things, more than we need, only create more FEAR !!!... And takes us AWAY from the feeling, the awareness of Abundance !! It creates a veil upon our eyes, upon our perceptions which renders Abundance unvisible, unperceptible !

    The fear of lacking locks all doors of Abundance and takes us into a dangerous vicious circle where whatever we do, nourrishes this fear… like Picsou or Gripsou !


    Awareness of Abundance or Fear of Lacking


    So let us cultivate santosh, contentment, which lead to Abundance, or in a different manner, lets create a design inspired by Nature, and then we shall discover Abundance…

    Abundance IS EVERY WHERE. We just have to OPEN our HEARTS to feel it.

    Yes it takes time, practice and inner work, inner transformation… And despite the work, fear may come again… And that’s ok, I call it Picsou, I explain that everything is very fine, reassure it, and then Picsou-fear gets calmer and calmer… opening the perception to Abundance which gets firmer and firmer.


    And this Awareness of Abundance brings along a deep Confidence in Life ;

    The strong sensation of being everywhere totally secure, whatever happens.

    Is there something more precious?



  • Egazete, news of the farm,

    Istanbul 21 february, lawyer and the last death blow leading to Equanimity :)



    You surely remember my little farm in Turkey, which burned 5 years ago. Soon after the fire, finding myself without money, I had to sell one of the farm’s field  (Moon garden) to the lawyer who was in charge of the lawsuit linked to the fire.

    After hours of discussions we finally established a contract according to which he would give me 30 000 TL (the third of the field’s value), become owner of the field with the restrictions of having no right to sell it to anyone except me during 10 years. During the same 10 years, I could use the field just as if I would be owner, without having to pay any rent.

    I wanted that we write a sale price for the future but the lawyer never accepted. He said many times “don’t worry Isabelle, I am not wanting to earn money with this, I am only wanting to help you and your farm, be sure of that; trust me.” What else could I do ? I did not have other choice. I signed. Keeping in my heart that I trust him, I want to trust him, even though I was not 100% tranquil. Yet I preferred to  feel Trust towards him rather than suspicion. Mirror.

    So, time went by. Last year I received money from the sharing of the other field, the Sun garden. Full of hope, I call the lawyer, asking him how much he would sell me the land, “my” land, the Moon garden. Our conversation quickly turned to aggressiveness. I suddenly found myself talking with a greedy man wanting double money for the purpose of inflation, rate of euro or whatever…

    I decided to let time go by and go to Istanbul in February to speak with him face to face and hopefully to see this misunderstanding vanish. For me it was nothing but a misunderstanding.


    It was last week, on Wednesday. First words looked warm enough to make me think it was in deed a misunderstanding, everything will be fine. However coming to the sensitive subject of the Moon garden, the lawyer became again like a different man. I could hardly believe that I was talking to the same man I talked with 4 years ago. Telling me one thing and the contrary in the same second, he did not believe what I was saying to him, he accused me of wanting to cheat him and make profits from him; and when I asked him to calculate a price to which he would accept to sell the land… he said… 140 000 turkish lira, which represents  80% of the present value. I remind you he got it 4 years ago for 30 000 liras, at 30% of the value. A big & juicy financial operation indeed! Who wants to make profit?

    I felt pity.


    When he was calculating (what? I dont know ! His figures are based on nothing !) His hands were shaking, his face was trembling, I could see Greed personified. Poor man. I really felt compassion at this moment.

    And I understood that nothing could be done. I would have to leave the Moon garden in the hands of this man. And Durga. The big yoga shala.

    The good thing showing I made progresses is that I did not fall into tears or any other emotion ; I stayed quiet, and even I was smiling. Sad for sure, sad and disappointed of losing Durga. But in the depth of my heart, convinced that “Everything is Good”.

    And when I told him I want to stop this discussion and go, I shaked his hand smiling and told him “I am sure that everything took place in a marvelous manner”. And I believe it.

    A bit shocked though, I walk in the streets of Istanbul for a while, towards my hotel. Difficult to calm down the mind, all the conversation turns and turns again. And something knocks at the door of the mind strongly :”Why did my positive sentences not work? The one I repeated to myself to prepare this meeting? Will injustice continue to persecute me until the end of my life? What is this?”

    And I understand that the story with the lawyer was related to Ancient Seeds of life. Not to the new one I am planting now. The ancient seeds were that of the “poor Cosette, miserable victim, without money, begging and asking, but managing everything without money even rebuilding the farm”…

    And I also understand that the NEW seeds will grow soon, maybe sooner than I think.

    I just had to get rid of the old seeds and their sprouts.


    This confirms also that my time in Turkey is coming to an end. I feel this since one year now, whatever I can do, the Yunus Emre farm will not recover from fire. And now the lawyer’s last death blow finishes off…

    Ego is sad and disappointed of losing his field and the money represented by the field . Most of all sad of losing Durga, the big yoga shala.

    I keep repeating to myself that EVERYTHING IS OK, simply because IT IS.

    The next day I feel Equanimity in me and write this little text :

    Last news of the Yunus Emre farm february 2018


    Equanimity : (mysterious dialog )


    There is no just nor unjust, no wrong, nor right, no good, nor bad ;

    Whatever happens is but what has to happen;

    Stay witness, that is your very duty; witness of everything; witness;


    The lawyer is nothing but the instrument of the divine law; he played his role for you; you may thank him; thanks to him you evolve on the path of equanimity and detachment;

    In the Truth, this little farm does not belong to you ! Nor does it belong to the lawyer ! So why holding onto it ? Why becoming angry ?


    You think you lose a lot of money, instead you win inside of yourself, an incalculable wealth ; that of moving through the events without being affected;

    Yes, without being affected;


    For the tiny waves which show at the surface of your heart are nothing but ego’s emotions, ego is still grasping, wants to correct, undo, redo, keep, hold…

    Instead, there is nothing to do but Letting Go… and only then things will become fluid …


    And you know ego will let go, very soon, a few hours maybe, a few minutes…

    There is no hurry, keep witnessing and feel the inner changes;


    You have seen the lawyer’s energy changing  : from an seemingly gentle man, he became an ugly snake, as well as unstable psychopath ; he promised not to charge with rental, yet he added more than sixty thousand liras for your using of the land; this man is nothing but a caricature; he tells you are lying to him; instead he is lying to you; he says you are not trusting him, instead he is not trusting you; there is nothing to understand except that the way he describes you, is the way He Is; mirror;


    So just feel compassion and forgiveness;

    Even better, Thank him because he helps you to let go the farm ;


    For you know your life continues somewhere else; since one year you know that you have to go back to your country; and be trustful, I will help you.


    Shanti, peace, love.



    Last news of the Yunus Emre farm february 2018

  • Egazete Full Moon, New year !

    Power of Intention – 2 january 2018


    We all know the power of Intention which, when properly expressed, can make our desires true and manifested, provided they are of course aligned with the Universe.

    So today, as the new year is just starting, like a new door opening towards another 12 month time, I wish to offer you 4 practical tools that could help you to succeed in the manifestation of your desires. These tools are found in yoga, and have been also transmitted to me by Nathalie, my teacher in financial independence. So… J  Thank you yoga, thank you Nathalie! J

    I suggest you put these tools into practice NOW !

    YES ! Right now, because the year has already started ! :)

    1. What if we start this new year with a DONATION ?

    Just like a beautiful resolution illuminates the following days and months, to decide to make a Donation opens the doors of our being and allows energy to flow freely…

    You, who helped me ceaselessly during the past years, you know that very well !

    To donate also means having this privilege of BEING ABLE to donate… And thus opens our psyche to the Awareness of Abundance… That is also a big subject about which another Letter of Financial Independence will be written soon…

    If you want to donate and you don’t know to whom… here is a lovely idea :

    Atma seva, whom many of you know, founded by my yoga teacher Atmatattwa, or Emma Taylor who supports forgotten children and needy elderly in the area of Rishikesh India … Huge work that you can discover HERE  ATMASEVA


    • Give a NAME to this new year

    It will give a color, a taste, a feeling to this coming year, which will guide all your actions and thoughts. For me there has been « Renaissance » after the fire, then « Reconstruction », then « Abundance »  and last year « Luminance »… What is the name for this year ? ? Allow me to keep it secret and lets check in 12 months !…

    What about YOU ? What will be the name of your 2018 year ?

    • Intention diary **

    Now, here, today, take a few minutes, like 10 to 15, and take a lovely note pad, a beautiful pen and project yourself in 12 months… Feel your life there… as if you would be there… Got it? Ok then write… write what you are living, what you have been living during this 2018 year, the new people you met, things you have done… Write whatever comes to you mind & heart, that you are experiencing in this REAL future… Make it REAL. Your ARE there and what you are writing is REAL.

    Then, close the note pad, and forget about it. And resume your present life… You will open this page again in 12 months exactly…and discover !!...

    Important note: this has to be done absolutely with the HAND and real pen and real paper. No computer, no phone or any kind of screen. We use the CREATIVE hand, real material paper, which have the symbolic power to transform our unmanifested thoughts into manifested reality…                    ;)


    • Mini Daily Intention

    By then, you can also from now on, decide of a small intention you will implement into your daily routine. A though/ an action, a small change that you will put into your life for at least 21 days; then most probably it will stay with you along the whole year !

    Ideas? Every morning I eat a fruit/ Every day I give little money/ Every day I write 10 minutes/ I practice abdominal exercises 10 minutes/ I do yoga every morning/ I give at least ONE smile to people in the street… find out more !! And Keep ONE idea to put into your life!


    If you do not know what could be your wishes, simply let yourself become a child again and ask to the Universe, to the Earth, to the Sky, to the Sea, to the Trees... They are but the mirror of your Heart :)



    So that’s all for now !....

    Little works, little tools, for our day to day lives… which have tremendous effects for our present AND future ! 

    They are Seeds which will Grow !

    Of course… Another important thing : Take good care of Yourself !

    Talk again soon in the next egazetes…

    Lots of things to tell you !!!


    Isabelle with Nathalie’s participation and yoga :) as always …



     To subscribe to the egazete of the Yunus Emre farm it is very easy : just send me a mail with "YES egazete" and that's it !!  And if you Like .... you may also Share ! :)

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