Yunus Emre farm is a place dedicated to NATURE.

    This is a Yogic farm where transmission and practice of Yoga represent the basement on which the farm can harmoniously develop in tune with Nature.

    In that spirit, one of the most important practice is Karma Yoga .

    Karma Yoga is well known by the Satyanananda or Sivananda Yoga or other Yoga practitionners, but it may be not really clear for others.

    Karma Yoga means "Yoga of action"
    Karma in sanskrit langage means Action
    Yoga means Union.
    Which means that one can attain Union by performing Actions.


    But what does it really mean ?

    1. Karma Yoga is the art of acting with active consciousness, AWARENESS.


    2. Karma Yoga is the art of performing an action without expecting the fruits of that action


    These two statements are essential and change our whole behaviour.

    From more or less asleep beings, acting more or less from habits or automaticaly, we move on and become conscious, moreover, conscious of being conscious.


    Then everything changes.

    Our consciousness unveils.

    All that was until then obscured by dark clouds slowly slowly reveals itself to the realm of consciousness.

    And little by little we become aware of our place, of our life, of our actions and also of the consequences of our actions.

    We become aware of our relationships with others, and ultimately we come to realize that we belong to a Whole.


    Conscious  KARMA YOGAAwareness. 

    What was until then only words or text becomes real EXPERIENCE, experience of the TRUE LIFE,

    The life which is beyond the veil of Maya.


    But of course to really feel this, it must be practiced.

    and with proper guidance.



    Karma yoga is selfless work,

    karma Yoga is offering our actions without expecting results or fruits for ourselves.

    So by helping in the Yoga center with the day to day routine, for example by taking part to the kitchen work, or cleaning, or placing back the blankets and pillows after the class, you can do karma yoga and start the process of transformation.


    Slowly slowly our entire life can become Karma yoga, offering of the right action, without expectation.



    It does take practice . And one needs to TRUST guidance.


    What is this Alchemy operating ?


    Here we have to talk about Karma.


    We all heard about karma but do we know what it is ?


    Karma is actually a Law : the law of Karma or law of causes and effects, is one of the essential laws that govern our Universe.


    The law of Karma tells us that:


    “Every action ( cause) holds in itself its own consequence (effect)”


    “ Every state (effect) follows from an action ( cause)”

     We can find this law in ALL Traditions, be it Sufism, Bouddhism, Hinduism ...


              It is a law of Nature.


    Now let us come in, as human beings.

    Let us use this law for us.

    Whatever the action we perform, it holds in itself its consequences,


    Whatever the condition in which we find ourselves, it follows from a past cause.

    Cause or action has a very broad meaning, it can be action but also thought or words, either conscious or unconscious...

    If we just think about the implications of such a law ... it is breathtaken ... vertiginous ...

    Just think about it ....





     Now let us come back to Karma Yoga.

    The law of Karma to which all of us are bound, ties us to the cycle of actions/ consequences or cause and effects.
    Because our actions follow from our desires, the process takes us inside a vicious circle only fed by our desires.

    Desire à Action – expectation of result to fullfill the desire – almost never fullfilled and birth of new desire à action – expectation of result etc etc ...

    We can continue like this until the end of our life, performing actions aiming at fullfilling our endless desires which will never be fullfilled because ego is the source of never ending desires.

    So we are bound in the cycle of Birth and Death that the Tibetans call Samsara.

    Because according to them and to many other eastern Traditions, being bound by our desires even after death, we will come back in another incarnation to continue to fullfill those desires.

    We can stay in this endless circle which ties us totally to ego, to the pairs of opposites ( raga- dvesha : attraction – repulsion ) that is essentially to a reactiv behaviour.

    We believe we are free, whereas in fact we are totally bound.

    We can also get out of this circle, out of this prison, and become totally really FREE.


    By performing Karma Yoga.

    Because by performing Karma Yoga we will align ourselves with the Universe.

    Being without expectation, we will perform the right action just because it is RIGHT to perform this action.

    Not to fullfill a desire.

    By doing Karma yoga, instead of filling our “bag” of Karma we empty it,

    Little by little we untie the binds that link us to the cycle of Birth and Death.

    Little by little we come closer to the Universal Dharma

    Then we can ultimately feel this incredible far beyond words .. ONENESS ..

    Then we can ultimately feel being ONE with ALL , ONE with the UNIVERSE

    Coming back to Earth though, you can work and performing the right action just because it is the right thing to do, and you will be a Karma Yogi.

    You will do your best, with your whole heart, you will act because it is right.

    And you will leave the results to the Universe.

    You will offer the results to Nature.

    You have done your best.

    The results do not depend on you anymore.

    The result may be “good”, or “bad”, whatever it will be, it is GOOD.

    Because you will not be attached to the result.

    You will be beyond the pair of opposites.

    Karma Yoga cultivates Non Attachement- Vairagya.

    And thus Karma Yoga brings Discrimination – Viveka.


    Yet, all that is merely words.

    Karma Yoga takes practice, needs to be experienced.

    Let us meet in the Yunus Emre farm !

    Or in your Yoga center !




    Om Tara



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